Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ballet update

We survived our first month of ballet!!
I can not even put into words how proud I am of my baby girl. She looks oh so adorable twirling around in her light pink leotard and tiny ballet slippers. I could just eat her up. I never pictured how emotional the first week for ballet would be for the both of us. The mommy heart in me is just so, so emotional. You know :)
Giuliana has never been away from me so I pictured this going one of two ways.. I couldn't help but cry tears of joy seeing how happy Giuliana was prancing around with little girls her age, giggling and talking up a storm. She is one of the youngest in both of her classes, but I am so happy I made the decision to start her this year. Her class age group is 2 1/3- 3 1/2, she barely made the cut. She just turned 2 1/2 Auguest 1st.
I have myself one little social butterfly.
The first week did not go as expecting. Giuliana was so excited to happy to see other little girls her age but once it was time for the mommies to leave the room most of the girls started to cry. What is a teacher to do with 6+ toddlers crying? Play the Frozen soundtrack, of course, seconds later almost everyone was happy again.
 The second week was off to a much better start... No crying at drop off (parents have to stay in the lobby so drop off is dropping your kid off in the actual room). She was participating a lot more and listening a lot better. There are two instructor for her Wednesday class Mrs. Jennifer is the main instructor but ____ assists since the class is so big then. Every day when we get home she is just so excited to show me everything she's learned and then I get to hear it all over again when she is showing daddy.
Week 3 was amazing!! She is listening so well. I am so proud of her.
  she is absolutely loving it!!!! (And, let me just say, my baby is growing way TOO fast, and I would LOVE for her to stay this little forever.)

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