Saturday, September 27, 2014

Life lately in pictures

I would like to add Jaxon got his first basketball hoop last weekend. That boy is a natural and will be playing for the San Antonio Spurs one day :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ballet update

We survived our first month of ballet!!
I can not even put into words how proud I am of my baby girl. She looks oh so adorable twirling around in her light pink leotard and tiny ballet slippers. I could just eat her up. I never pictured how emotional the first week for ballet would be for the both of us. The mommy heart in me is just so, so emotional. You know :)
Giuliana has never been away from me so I pictured this going one of two ways.. I couldn't help but cry tears of joy seeing how happy Giuliana was prancing around with little girls her age, giggling and talking up a storm. She is one of the youngest in both of her classes, but I am so happy I made the decision to start her this year. Her class age group is 2 1/3- 3 1/2, she barely made the cut. She just turned 2 1/2 Auguest 1st.
I have myself one little social butterfly.
The first week did not go as expecting. Giuliana was so excited to happy to see other little girls her age but once it was time for the mommies to leave the room most of the girls started to cry. What is a teacher to do with 6+ toddlers crying? Play the Frozen soundtrack, of course, seconds later almost everyone was happy again.
 The second week was off to a much better start... No crying at drop off (parents have to stay in the lobby so drop off is dropping your kid off in the actual room). She was participating a lot more and listening a lot better. There are two instructor for her Wednesday class Mrs. Jennifer is the main instructor but ____ assists since the class is so big then. Every day when we get home she is just so excited to show me everything she's learned and then I get to hear it all over again when she is showing daddy.
Week 3 was amazing!! She is listening so well. I am so proud of her.
  she is absolutely loving it!!!! (And, let me just say, my baby is growing way TOO fast, and I would LOVE for her to stay this little forever.)

Monday, September 22, 2014

weekend recap

We had a weekend visitor..... Grandma is in town!!!! I know most woman cringe at the thought of their mother in law coming into town. Am I right? Well, not this girl. I love a extra set of hands around heeeere!!!! Having two 14 months apart can be rooough yall. :) and who doesn't love a baby sitter and having a date night with your hubby?
Saturday I took Irma (mother in law) and Giuliana to this new painting place they just opened in our mall. I've been dying to take her but it's always hard taking both kids to do a activity when only one child can enjoy it. So Jaxon stayed home with daddy and had a guys day. I think I may have enjoyed it more than Giuliana. The three of us had so much fun though. I can not wait to bring her again.

Can you tell we had so much fun? I can't wait to go back again. Very soon!!!
Giuliana's aunt turned 21 on Sunday so we sent her this cute picture. :)
 We also had a birthday party to go to and my kids were being such cry babies LOL 
I love matching my boys

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Giuliana starts ballet

Today my heart was so full of warm fuzzies it could have exploded. It was my baby's first day of ballet. Seeing her in her itty bitty leotard and those tiny leather slippers my heart melted. From the time I knew I was having a girl I dreamed of seeing her in dance class prancing around. I can't believe how fast the time has gone and I was standing in class with her watching her dance. It was a moment and memory I will never forget. And of course I cried like a baby. She is getting so big. It's unreal!
I am one proud mama.
and of course Elsa is in ballet too ;)
Day two
I am so proud of my baby! She was a little nervous at first but as soon as Ms. Jennifer put on the Frozen soundtrack she was dancing her heart out. Do you want to build a snow man is her JAM. I can't wait to share and post more updates as Giuliana continues her first year in ballet and tumbling. I know she is going to make us so, so proud. She is going twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays for 45 minutes. I can't wait to see how much she learns from her first year :)

Happy Birthday my love

Happy 30th birthday my love!
We love you so much. Thank you for being the best daddy
 and role model to our babies.
30 never looked so good

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Jaxon - 17 months

17 months of Jaxon
weight:  height:31in diaper size:5 shoe size:6  tops:18/24 mos bottoms:18/24 mos

My little Jaxie boy, you are so serious like your daddy. Not a big fan of the camera like him either. But it's okay, I will take what I can get. I can not believe how fast you are growing. It's true when they say it goes by much faster the second time around.

You are still clingy as ever. But I have learned to embrace it. After all, it won't be like this forever. And I'm sure once you hit your teenage years you probably wont want to be seen with me in public. ;)

 You are a man of very few words: mama, dada, papa and your favorite *tickle, tickle*

Clapping is your favorite.

Biggest cry baby I ever met and loved.

You will eat just about anything, though our days of feeding you are officially over. You prefer to feed yourself. In fact, you will spit out your food and then grab it yourself if we feed you. Slow down my big boy. You aren't familiar with a fork or spoon yet, but I'm sure you don't mind since you are pretty fast with your hands anyways.

You got your first "big boy" hair cut on August 29th, 2014.

I regret it. So much! You look like a pre-teen.

Also, you cried almost the entire time. That is..... until the barber gave us a bag of Oreos to calm you down.

 You are obsessed with Giuliana. Everywhere she goes, you are right there behind her. That includes when she is in trouble too. You two are the true definition of partners in crime. I can only hope you two remain as close as the years go by.

Favorite toys include CAT toys (dozer is your favorite), monster trucks, Thomas the train toys, basically anything with a tire. You have a strange obsession with tires. Or maybe it is just a boy thing. Either way, they are your favorite! You manage a way to play with every tire you see including the stroller tires.

Not a big fan or tv but you will sit still for the movie UP and Monsters Inc. and The Lorax

You also love reading, books with trucks are kind of your thinggg. And so is nap time. Which you only take one nap now, but you nap 2-3 hours. Wish I could say bed time was your kinda thing. But it's not. You fight a good fight and sometimes still wake up in the middle of the night.

Grandpa bought you some Legos. Need I say more? Your favorite thing to do is dump them out of the bag. Giuliana will pick them up only for you to dump them again two seconds later.


Giuliana at 2 1/2

 Giuliana at 2 1/2
I realize this is a month late. Whooooops, I am hoping to update here more often. Promise!
weight: 31.4lbs height:36in shoe size: 8.5 bottoms: 2t tops: 2t
Favorite quotes : "lubbbbb it" "Gogo wanna panking? Wanna panking" "I love you"
Favorite activities: Coloring with mama, puzzles, watching Netflix, jumping on the trampoline, playing in the water, reading, blowing bubbles.
Favorite food & snacks: Grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, goldfish, popsicles, popcorn, spaghetti, chili, chipotle and pop corn chicken, bananas.  
Obsessed with rainboots
I love everything about this age. This has to be my favorite so far. Giuliana is so independent yet still needs me for so much. She has been potty trained for a year already so we have been out of diapers for a while. Next week she is starting Ballet and tumbling on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I am so excited, I cant wait to start the tradition of going to Starbucks every Thursday after Ballet. I have been dreaming of the day my precious little girl would start ballet and I can not believe the day is almost here. I am one excited mommy.
A friend of mine here in San Antonio made this beautiful bag upon request for Giuliana. How perfect?? Something she can use as she grows, it has 3 pockets on the inside for her ballet shoes, a drink and maybe some snacks along with plenty of room for her change of clothes. I am so in love with this bag. I can't wait for us to use it next week.
Also, at 2 1/2 you know all your colors, shapes, coins (penny, dime, nickel and quarter), ABC's and can count to 15 and know all your animals. You are such a quick learner! So proud of you :)
You love getting your hair brushed. And now your hair is growing thicker on top and I can officially French braid your hair. Anything girly, you are all over it. You love carrying around your pink Juicy Couture purse that you got for Christmas. Nail polish? That is kinda your thing. You will sit still through a entire painting. After I am done there is a lot of LOOK's and PREEEETTY's.
Princess Sofia and along with Mickey Mouse are your favorite shows to watch.
You are all about parks right now. "Mama slides puh-ease".
When you see a camera you immediately say CHEESE. You love taking pictures, taking selfies on your ipad mini is your thing.
How could I forget... Politest 2 year old I ever met. Please, thank you and excuse me are a must. You will even say it for mommy and daddy if we don't.
Jaxon is known as tubby, gogo or big boy to you. You recently started calling him "dax". So cute!
Still obsessed with the movie Frozen. "snow man" is your jam!