Monday, July 14, 2014

Weekend Recap


Hello Monday! I can not believe another weekend has flown on by. Nothing to exciting happened here over the weekend. I wanted to take the babies to Sea World but due to Jaxon waking up with a fever {and I was flying this ship solo} we stayed home. Mikey worked both Saturday and Sunday. So we stayed home. And instead of spending the day at Sea World like I imaged I did laundry instead. Exciting, I know. We spent a lot of our time yesterday coloring, doing puzzles and practicing our abc's. I have a lot of empty frames upstairs for the play room that need to be filled. :) 
Do you see that? I have a lefty! Never did I imagine one of my kiddos would be a LEFTY since everyone in my family is a righty! Have you heard that lefties are smarter? ;) When she was younger she would switch back and forth between the two. Some times she still does. Giuliana will write with her left and then pick up her fork with her right! It's amazing how well she can use both and she's only two.


1 comment:

  1. What a little smartie! I have heard of some really smart, famous ppl who are lefties! And hopefully baby Jaxon is feeling better!
